
Table of Contents

  1. Who Is This Guide For?
  2. The State of Data Annotation in 2024: Current Challenges and Latest Trends
    1. Automated Data Annotation
    2. Synthetic Data Annotation
    3. Data Annotation in Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF)
    4. Future Predictions for the Data Annotation Industry
  3. The Main Data Annotation Types and Use Cases
    1. LLM Annotation
    2. Image Annotation
    3. Video Annotation
    4. Text Annotation
    5. Audio Annotation
    6. LiDAR Annotation
  4. How to Choose Between In-House vs. Outsourced Data Annotation
  5. How to Successfully Outsource Data Annotation Tasks
    1. When to Choose Data Annotation Outsourcing
    2. Top Data Annotation Companies in 2024
    3. How to Choose a Data Annotation Vendor
  6. How to Set Up In-House Data Annotation Workflows
    1. Where to Start with In-House Data Annotation
      1. Data Annotation in the ML Pipeline
      2. How Does Data Annotation Work
      3. 6 Steps To Overcome Data Annotation Challenge
    2. How to Build a Solid Data Annotation Strategy
      1. How to Measure the Scope of the Dataset Volume to Label
      2. Top 5 Data Annotation Tactics in Machine Learning
    3. How to Maintain High Quality of Labeled Datasets
      1. The Key Methods for Measuring Labeled Data Quality
      2. How to Set Up QA Procedures for Data Annotation
      3. Consequences of Poor Data Labeling Quality
    4. How to Keep the ML Datasets Secure?
      1. How to De-Risk Yourself from Legal Issues with Private Data
      2. Data Privacy Protection Laws
      3. How to Organize Data Annotation Without Data Leaks
    5. How to Build Your Data Annotation Dream Team
      1. How to Hire Data Annotators
      2. How to Train Data Annotators
  7. About Label Your Data
  8. FAQ
  1. Who Is This Guide For?
  2. The State of Data Annotation in 2024: Current Challenges and Latest Trends
    1. Automated Data Annotation
    2. Synthetic Data Annotation
    3. Data Annotation in Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF)
    4. Future Predictions for the Data Annotation Industry
  3. The Main Data Annotation Types and Use Cases
    1. LLM Annotation
    2. Image Annotation
    3. Video Annotation
    4. Text Annotation
    5. Audio Annotation
    6. LiDAR Annotation
  4. How to Choose Between In-House vs. Outsourced Data Annotation
  5. How to Successfully Outsource Data Annotation Tasks
    1. When to Choose Data Annotation Outsourcing
    2. Top Data Annotation Companies in 2024
    3. How to Choose a Data Annotation Vendor
  6. How to Set Up In-House Data Annotation Workflows
    1. Where to Start with In-House Data Annotation
      1. Data Annotation in the ML Pipeline
      2. How Does Data Annotation Work
      3. 6 Steps To Overcome Data Annotation Challenge
    2. How to Build a Solid Data Annotation Strategy
      1. How to Measure the Scope of the Dataset Volume to Label
      2. Top 5 Data Annotation Tactics in Machine Learning
    3. How to Maintain High Quality of Labeled Datasets
      1. The Key Methods for Measuring Labeled Data Quality
      2. How to Set Up QA Procedures for Data Annotation
      3. Consequences of Poor Data Labeling Quality
    4. How to Keep the ML Datasets Secure?
      1. How to De-Risk Yourself from Legal Issues with Private Data
      2. Data Privacy Protection Laws
      3. How to Organize Data Annotation Without Data Leaks
    5. How to Build Your Data Annotation Dream Team
      1. How to Hire Data Annotators
      2. How to Train Data Annotators
  7. About Label Your Data
  8. FAQ

Poor data quality is behind 80% of AI project failures. As data volumes grow, keeping data annotation workflows of high quality is increasingly challenging. Besides, the rise of synthetic data and the use of LLMs for annotation have introduced new challenges.

In this guide, we share our expert tips on maintaining accurate annotations, scaling operations, and managing in-house teams to help you tackle these issues. We also compare outsourcing vs in-house data annotation and review top data annotation vendors and tools in the market.

Who Is This Guide For?

Data scientists

aiming to streamline in-house annotation processes

ML engineers

working on a supervised learning project

AI startups & companies

needing scalable and cost-effective annotation solutions

Academic researchers

striving for precise annotations to enhance research accuracy

Technical decision-makers

seeking insights into the impact of data quality on AI initiatives

C-level executives

tasked with choosing the best annotation strategies and tools

Read on to find practical strategies to improve your data annotation workflows and get the best performance from your ML models, whether you’re dealing with real-world data, synthetic data, or LLMs.

Data annotation in practice

The rise of complex AI models, such as large language models (LLMs) and advanced computer vision systems, requires meticulously annotated datasets. Yet, this surge poses new challenges for data annotation in 2024:

  • Handling unstructured data

    Transforming unstructured data into structured formats for accurate annotation remains a significant challenge due to its inherent variability and complexity.

  • Balancing automation and human input

    Striking the right balance between automated labeling solutions and human oversight is crucial to ensure efficiency and high-quality annotations.

  • Providing domain-specific annotations

    Ensuring that annotations are accurate and contextually relevant across different specialized fields demands domain-specific expertise and tailored approaches.

  • Annotating synthetic data for model training

    Creating and annotating synthetic data that accurately reflects real-world scenarios for model training is challenging due to the potential for inherent biases and inaccuracies.

  • Integrating LLMs in the annotation process

    Leveraging large language models in the annotation workflow poses challenges in maintaining annotation consistency, handling biases, and ensuring scalability.

As the industry navigates these challenges, several key industry trends are emerging that promise to shape the future of data annotation:

Automated Data Annotation

Automated data labeling leverages advanced models like Large Language Models (LLMs) and Computer Vision (CV) models to enhance efficiency and accuracy in the annotation process. This automation reduces manual effort, speeds up workflows, and ensures consistency across large datasets.

Large Language Models (LLMs) enable annotators to handle complex tasks more accurately and consistently. Specialized LLM fine-tuning tools streamline this process, integrating LLMs to automate and enhance data labeling workflows.

Here are the top 5 LLMs used for data annotation:


Open source

  • OpenAI GPT

  • Microsoft’s Turing-NLG

  • Google’s BERT

  • Hugging Face’s RoBERTa

  • Facebook’s LLaMA

Computer vision models used for automated data annotation:

  1. Segment Anything Model (SAM): Developed for image segmentation tasks, SAM can automatically identify and segment objects within images, streamlining the annotation process for visual data.

  2. Grounding DINO (Distillation of Knowledge with No Labels): Used for self-supervised learning in computer vision, DINO can generate annotations without labeled data, making it a powerful tool for large-scale image annotation projects.

By integrating these advanced models, the data annotation process becomes more efficient and scalable, reducing time and costs while maintaining high accuracy and consistency.

Synthetic Data Annotation

Another major trend is using AI-generated (synthetic) data to train models, offering a solution when real-world data is scarce or sensitive. However, a recent study highlights potential pitfalls, such as the model collapse phenomenon when trained recursively on synthetic data.

Despite these challenges, synthetic data remains valuable for initial model training and testing. It provides diverse and extensive datasets tailored to specific needs without the privacy concerns associated with real data.

Data Annotation in Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF)

Data annotation in Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) combines human insights with machine learning to refine models through iterative feedback loops. This process involves humans providing corrections or reinforcements to the model’s decisions.

This trend enhances the model’s learning accuracy and adaptability. RLHF is particularly beneficial in scenarios where automated systems must make complex, context-sensitive decisions, allowing for more nuanced model training.

Future Predictions for the Data Annotation Industry

The data annotation sector is set for significant advancements driven by AI and automation. Key predictions include:

  1. Unstructured Data Management: By 2024, 80% of new data pipelines will handle unstructured data, crucial for managing the 3 quintillion bytes of data generated daily​​. Companies will see a twofold increase in managed unstructured data.

  2. Growth of LLMs: Language models will enhance text and audio data annotation, with the NLP market projected to reach $439.85 billion by 2030. This is driven by applications like chatbots and voice assistants, which will outnumber people on Earth by 2024​.

  3. Visual Data Annotation: Demand will surge in computer vision annotation as the market is expected to hit $48.6 billion​, with extensive use in facial recognition and medical imaging​.

  4. Generative AI: Generative AI will automate tasks like image segmentation, reducing manual efforts by up to 50% while improving accuracy.

  5. Sector-Specific Adoption: Industries such as automotive and healthcare will require detailed annotations for self-driving cars and medical imaging​​.

  6. Geographical Expansion: Asia Pacific and Latin America will lead market growth, driven by tech sectors and cost advantages​.

The Main Data Annotation Types and Use Cases

This section will cover key data annotation types: text, image, video, audio, LiDAR, and LLM annotation. Data scientists, ML engineers, and data annotation experts will discover essential insights to prepare high-quality datasets for diverse use cases.

LLM Annotation

Optimizing LLM training involves fine-tuning models on domain-specific datasets and techniques such as transfer learning and few-shot learning to enhance performance. Addressing challenges in LLM annotation includes mitigating data bias, ensuring data diversity, and implementing robust quality assurance protocols.

Effective LLM annotation also necessitates a focus on real-world applicability. Techniques such as inference calibration can optimize LLMs for instruction adherence, error reduction, and style-specific responses, ensuring accurate and contextually appropriate interactions.

Additionally, incorporating domain-specific knowledge through data enrichment allows for the creation of custom models that excel in industry-specific contexts. Implementing advanced methods for tasks like content moderation and data extraction further enhances the utility and precision of LLMs, making them valuable tools for a wide range of applications.

Image Annotation

There are four main annotation methods:

  • Keypoints: Best for motion tracking and identifying specific points on objects.

  • Rectangles (Bounding Boxes): Used for object detection by drawing boxes around objects.

  • Polygons: Capture precise shapes and boundaries of objects.

  • Cuboids (3D Boxes): Annotate objects in three dimensions.

Types of Segmentation:

  • Semantic Segmentation: Classifies each pixel into a category without differentiating instances.

  • Instance Segmentation: Identifies and separates each instance of an object.

  • Panoptic Segmentation: Combines semantic and instance segmentation for complete scene understanding.

Automated image annotation tools and collaborative platforms can facilitate efficient annotation workflows:

  • Labelbox: Supports various annotation types with collaborative features.

  • SuperAnnotate: Offers advanced annotation tools and project management capabilities.

  • VGG Image Annotator (VIA): A versatile tool for creating different types of annotations.

Efficient workflows require scalable infrastructure and robust project management, often provided by specialized data annotation companies.

Video Annotation

Annotating complex video data involves frame-by-frame labeling, object tracking, and maintaining temporal consistency. Real-time video annotation methods leverage AI models for live data labeling, enhancing speed and accuracy.

Experts should consider advanced object-tracking algorithms to maintain annotation continuity, ensure temporal coherence to capture changes accurately over time and utilize real-time annotation tools to improve efficiency.

Text Annotation

Advanced NLP techniques for text annotation include:

  • Syntactic Parsing: Analyzes sentence structure.

  • Semantic Parsing: Understands text meaning.

  • Dependency Analysis: Examines word relationships.

  • Named Entity Recognition (NER): Identifies entities like names and dates.

  • Sentiment Analysis: Determines the sentiment expressed in text.

  • Contextual Embeddings: Uses embeddings for context-aware annotations.

  • Part-of-Speech Tagging: Labels words by their grammatical roles.

Automation tools streamline large-scale text annotation by incorporating machine learning-assisted tagging:

  • Prodigy: Automates tagging with machine learning.

  • LightTag: Provides detailed guidelines and quality control.

  • Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth: Scales the annotation process.

Audio Annotation

The latest annotation techniques for AI sound recognition involve:

  • Phoneme-Level Transcription: Transcribes at the phoneme level.

  • Speaker Identification: Identifies different speakers.

  • Acoustic Event Detection: Detects specific sounds or events.

  • Word-Level Transcription: Transcribes words for detailed analysis.

  • Emotion Detection: Identifies emotions in speech.

  • Language Identification: Determines the language spoken.

Audio Annotation Tools:

  • Sonix: High-precision transcription.

  • Audacity: Versatile audio labeling tool.

  • Labelbox: Supports large-scale audio annotation projects.

LiDAR Annotation

Some key applications of 3D data labeling for LiDAR include autonomous driving and robotics. They need accurate 3D data annotation to improve environmental perception and navigation. The key LiDAR annotation techniques include:

  • Point Cloud Segmentation: Segments 3D point clouds.

  • Object Classification: Classifies objects within 3D data.

  • Bounding Box Annotation: Uses 3D boxes to annotate objects.

  • Lane Marking: Identifies lane boundaries for autonomous driving.

  • Environmental Perception: Enhances navigation in robotics.

  • Surface Analysis: Analyzes terrain and surfaces.

LiDAR Annotation Tools:

  • Labelbox: Robust tools for 3D data labeling.

  • SuperAnnotate: Specialized features for LiDAR data.

  • Scale AI: Supports large-scale LiDAR annotation projects.

How to Choose Between In-House vs. Outsourced Data Annotation

At some point in your ML project, you must decide between building an internal team or outsourcing data annotation tasks to a third-party company.

In-house data annotation provides greater control and data security, making it ideal for long-term projects with large datasets. However, it demands significant resources, including HR investment, financial commitment, and time for training and supervising annotators. This approach may not be scalable for all companies.

Outsourcing data annotation relieves the burden of managing an internal team. Expert vendors provide state-of-the-art tools, customized solutions, flexible pricing, and robust security protocols. It is especially effective when clear training data standards and scalability are needed without the overhead of a large in-house team.

All in all, the key to choosing the right approach lies in evaluating the following criteria:





Suitable for simple projects needing internal control

Offers expertise and diverse datasets for complex projects


High upfront costs but cost-effective for large volumes

Various pricing plans


Requires significant management investment

Frees internal resources but requires vendor management


Demands time and money for training

Eliminates training costs but may need additional oversight for consistency


Offers higher data security

Requires choosing vendors with robust security measures


Slower due to setup and training

Faster due to established infrastructure and skilled teams

Let’s now talk about each approach to data annotation in more detail. We’ll start with outsourcing first.

How to Successfully Outsource Data Annotation Tasks

Partnering with a data annotation vendor can be a strategic move to efficiently handle large volumes of data. These vendors typically provide advanced tools and software, allowing clients to review tasks and monitor progress easily.

Outsourcing is especially beneficial when focusing on model development rather than managing the annotation process. It ensures high-quality work through a hand-selected workforce and can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team, especially for projects with fluctuating data volumes.

However, it’s essential to find a trustworthy vendor who adheres to the highest data security and privacy standards. Ensuring consistency and quality might require additional oversight, and depending on the data complexity, the setup time can be lengthy.

When to Choose Data Annotation Outsourcing

In-house data annotation becomes more complicated as projects scale. You might face issues like lack of vision, insufficient time, finances, HR capabilities, managing large teams, ensuring consistent, high-quality annotations, and implementing the right tools while complying with data security and privacy standards.

At this point, outsourcing data annotation can tackle these challenges thanks to:

  • Focus on Core Tasks: Outsourcing frees up your data scientists to focus on complex problems and model building instead of spending time on repetitive annotation tasks.

  • Guaranteed Quality and Efficiency: Experienced teams handle your project, ensuring timely completion and high standards through their expertise with diverse datasets.

  • Effortless Scaling: Outsourcing allows you to scale your data labeling efforts seamlessly, regardless of the ML project size, without burdening in-house teams.

Top Data Annotation Companies in 2024

If you’re researching companies, consider copying this table to your notes for quick reference:



Label Your Data

A service company offering a free pilot. There’s no monthly commitment to data volume. Pricing calculator is on the website.


A product company offering a data annotation platform. Provides a free trial and features a large marketplace of vetted annotation teams.


A service company providing large-scale annotation solutions with flexible commitments. Offers transparent pricing options.

Kili Technology

A product company delivering a versatile data labeling platform. Features customizable workflows and powerful collaboration tools, with flexible pricing.


A service company specializing in data annotation with scalable solutions, offering flexible pricing plans and focusing on social impact.

Humans in the Loop

A service company providing expert annotation services for various industries. Offers flexible pricing plans and accurate, detailed annotations.


A service company offering end-to-end data annotation services with a global team. Provides scalable solutions and transparent, tailored pricing.


A service company combining scalable data labeling with flexible pricing. Offers a free pilot to evaluate services before committing.


A service company delivering extensive annotation services with a vast network of contributors.

How to Choose a Data Annotation Vendor

Selecting the right data annotation vendor is crucial for the success of your ML projects. Here are vital considerations to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Evaluate Expertise and Experience

    • Industry Experience: Ensure the vendor has experience in your industry and understands the nuances of your data types and annotation requirements.

    • Track Record: Check their track record and case studies to see how they have handled similar projects.

  2. Evaluate Flexibility and Scalability

    • Scalability: Ensure the vendor can scale their operations to meet your growing data annotation needs.

    • Customization: Look for vendors who can customize their services to match your specific project requirements.

  3. Consider Pricing Models

    • Cost-Effectiveness: Compare pricing models to find a vendor that balances cost and quality.

    • Transparent Pricing: Ensure the pricing is transparent with no hidden fees.

  4. Assess Quality Control Measures

    • QA Processes: Inquire about their quality assurance processes, including how they handle errors and ensure annotation consistency.

    • Pilot Projects: Consider running a pilot project to evaluate their annotation quality before committing to a long-term partnership.

  5. Check Security and Compliance

    • Data Security Protocols: Ensure the vendor follows robust data security protocols, including encryption, access control, and compliance with regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and ISO 27001.

    • Privacy Standards: Verify their adherence to data privacy standards to protect sensitive information.

  6. Review Tool Compatibility and Technology

    • Tool Integration: Check if the vendor's tools are compatible with your existing technology stack or if they offer tool-agnostic solutions.

    • Advanced Tools: Ensure they use advanced annotation tools and technologies that efficiently handle complex annotation tasks.

  7. Assess Communication and Support

    • Communication Channels: Ensure they have transparent and open communication channels for regular updates and feedback.

    • Support Services: Check the level of support they offer, including technical support and customer service.

  8. Verify Training and Workforce Management

    • Training Programs: Inquire about the training programs for their annotators to ensure they are well-equipped to handle your data.

    • Workforce Stability: Check their annotation workforce's stability and turnover rates to ensure project continuity.

Considering these factors, you can choose a data annotation vendor that aligns with your project needs and helps you achieve high-quality and secure data annotations.

How to Set Up In-House Data Annotation Workflows

Data annotation workflow

Setting up an in-house data annotation workflow involves several critical steps to ensure success:

Where to Start with In-House Data Annotation

Data annotation is a cornerstone of the machine learning pipeline. It acts as the bridge between raw data and a functional ML model. During this step, human annotators or automated tools add labels or tags to the data, helping the model understand the underlying structure and meaning of the data.

Data Annotation in the ML Pipeline

  • Data Collection: Gather raw, unstructured data for your model from sources like freelance fieldwork for specific data, public datasets (Kaggle, UCI Machine Learning Repository,, or paid datasets for specialized information.

  • Data Cleaning: Prepare the data by removing irrelevant, duplicate, or corrupted files and correcting errors, noise, and missing values.

  • Data Storage: Store the cleaned data in a suitable format, typically in a data warehouse (e.g., Oracle Exadata, Teradata) or a data lake (e.g., Amazon S3, Azure Data Lake Storage), for easier management as data volumes grow.

  • Data Labeling: Annotate the data to create a labeled training dataset. For computer vision, techniques like image categorization, semantic segmentation, bounding boxes, 3D cuboids, polygonal annotation, keypoint annotation, and object tracking are used. NLP annotations include text classification, OCR, NER, intent/sentiment analysis, and audio-to-text transcription.

  • Model Training: Use the labeled data to train the model, splitting the dataset for training, testing, and validation to help the model learn patterns and relationships.

  • Model Evaluation & Deployment: Evaluate the model’s performance on a separate dataset, and if successful, deploy the model for real-world use.

How Does Data Annotation Work

Most ML models use supervised learning, where an algorithm maps inputs to outputs based on labeled data provided by humans. During model training, the algorithm learns from these examples to identify patterns and make predictions on new data.

Labeled data, known as “ground truth,” is crucial for training and assessing ML models. The model's accuracy depends heavily on the precision of this ground truth, highlighting the need for meticulous data labeling.

High-quality annotations enable data scientists to identify critical features within the data. However, there are challenges: public datasets may lack relevance, in-house labeling can be resource-intensive, and automated tools, while helpful, cannot ensure complete accuracy without human oversight.

6 Steps To Overcome Data Annotation Challenge

  1. Build a Solid Annotation Strategy

    Ensure your process is scalable, organized, and efficient, with constant monitoring, feedback, optimization, and testing.

  2. Maintain High Quality of Labeled Datasets

    Conduct regular QA procedures to verify label accuracy and consistency through random sample reviews and validation techniques.

  3. Keep ML Datasets Secure

    Implement a multi-layered security approach:

    • Physical Security: Secure facilities with access restrictions.

    • Employee Training & Vetting: Regular training and background checks.

    • Technical Security: Strong encryption, secure software, multi-factor authentication.

    • Cybersecurity: Proprietary tools, penetration testing, security audits.

    • Data Compliance: Follow regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and ISO 27001.

  4. Hire Skilled Data Annotators

    Use job boards, social media, and partnerships to hire skilled annotators for consistent, high-quality data annotation.

  5. Train Data Annotators

    Train your team on specific tools and project guidelines. For complex domains, hire subject-matter experts (SMEs).

  6. Choose between In-House vs. Outsourced Data Annotation

    Decide based on your needs: Outsourcing for large, simple tasks with quick turnaround; in-house for cost, quality, and scalability, especially for domain-specific projects.

How to Build a Solid Data Annotation Strategy

Data annotation tools

Machine learning aids 48% of businesses in leveraging large datasets, but issues like poor labeling, unstructured data, multiple sources, and bias persist. The correct data annotation strategy ensures ML models are trained on clean, organized, and representative datasets.

How to Measure the Scope of the Dataset Volume to Label

AI engineers and operations managers need precise dataset calculations and monthly new data generation rates to optimize annotation workflows. This information helps the annotation team plan for the initial cycle and identify bottlenecks and staffing needs.

Steps to measure dataset volume:

  1. Count the Instances: Determine the total number of data points in your dataset (e.g., rows, documents, images).

  2. Evaluate Data Complexity: Assess data complexity by considering variety, types, and label diversity.

  3. Consider Annotation Granularity: Understand the level of detail required, such as annotating each word versus the entire document.

  4. Understand Task Difficulty: Assess complexity, as tasks like object detection, segmentation, or classification vary in difficulty.

  5. Analyze Time Requirements: Based on task complexity and expertise, estimate the average time needed to label each data point.

  6. Use Sampling Techniques: To estimate annotation effort, sample a representative subset of large datasets.

  7. Consult Domain Experts: Seek input from expert data labeling services to understand data context and ensure quality and consistency.

Top 5 Data Annotation Tactics in Machine Learning

Here are the top five data annotation tactics to help you decide which ones work best for your project:

  1. Manual Labeling vs. Automated Labeling

    Manual Labeling

    Automated Labeling

    Human annotators identify and assign labels to data points

    ML algorithms label data points, reducing human intervention

    Pros: High accuracy, suitable for complex tasks, greater control over quality.

    Cons: Time-consuming, expensive, prone to human error.

    Pros: Time and cost-efficiency for large datasets, reduces human error.

    Cons: Lower accuracy, unsuitable for complex tasks, requires high-quality training data.

    Pro tip: Use manual labeling for small, complex, or critical tasks and automated labeling for large, simpler tasks or as a pre-labeling step.

  2. In-House Labeling vs. External Labeling

    In-House Labeling

    External Labeling

    Building and managing your team of annotators.

    Using crowdsourcing or dedicated labeling services.

    Pros: Greater control, high-quality results, suitable for sensitive data.

    Cons: Requires significant resources and management.

    Pros: Scalable, cost-effective, suitable for large datasets.

    Cons: Potential quality issues and less control.

    Pro tip: Use in-house labeling when you need tight control over the quality and handling of sensitive data, but consider external labeling services for scaling operations and handling large datasets more cost-effectively.

  3. Open-Source vs. Commercial Labeling Tools

    Open-Source Tools

    Commercial Tools

    Freely available software with accessible code for customization.

    Developed by private companies with subscription or license fees.

    Pros: Free, customizable.

    Cons: Limited use cases, lack of bulk data import/export, and the need for developer support.

    Pros: Feature-rich, user-friendly, includes data security and support.

    Cons: Expensive, may have customization limits.

    Pro tip: Use open-source tools for small, specific projects with technical expertise; opt for commercial tools for more extensive, complex projects needing support and security.

  4. Public Datasets vs. Custom Datasets

    Public Datasets

    Custom Datasets

    Pre-labeled datasets available online.

    Tailored data collected and labeled for specific tasks.

    Pros: Readily available, accessible, and good for initial training.

    Cons: May not match project needs, potential quality or bias issues.

    Pros: Highly relevant, higher quality.

    Cons: Time and resource-intensive.

    Pro tip: Start with public datasets to quickly test models; invest in custom datasets for specific, high-quality needs.

  5. Cloud Data Storage vs. On-Premise Storage

    Cloud Storage

    On-Premise Storage.

    Data stored on remote servers managed by CSPs like AWS or Google Cloud.

    Data stored on physical servers within your organization

    Pros: Scalable, easily accessible, managed security.

    Cons: Requires internet, potential security concerns, can be costly for large data.

    Pros: Greater control, potentially lower long-term costs.

    Cons: Limited scalability, requires maintenance, less accessible for remote work.

    Pro tip: Choose cloud storage for scalability and collaboration; opt for on-premise storage for sensitive data and predictable significant storage needs.

How to Maintain High Quality of Labeled Datasets

VentureBeat reports that 90% of data science projects don't reach production, with 87% of employees citing data quality issues. Measuring data quality is crucial before completing annotation, as labeled data directly impacts your model performance.

The Key Methods for Measuring Labeled Data Quality

The accuracy of data labeling is controlled at all stages using various metrics to avoid inconsistencies in final labels. Here are the essential methods:

Inter-Annotator Agreement (IAA) Metrics

IAA metrics ensure that the approach of every annotator is consistent across all dataset categories. They can apply to the entire dataset, between annotators, labels, or per task. Commonly used IAA metrics include:

  • Cohen’s Kappa: Measures agreement between two annotators.

  • Krippendorff’s Alpha: Applicable to multiple annotators and different data types.

  • Fleiss’ Kappa: Measures agreement between various annotators.

  • F1 Score: Balances precision and recall to measure label accuracy.

  • Percent Agreement: Simple measure of agreement percentage between annotators.

Consensus Algorithm

The consensus algorithm determines the final label by aggregating the labels provided by multiple annotators. This method often uses simple majority voting to decide the final label, ensuring consistency and improving data quality.

Cronbach’s Alpha Test

Cronbach’s Alpha Test is a statistical method to check the consistency and reliability of annotations across the dataset. The reliability coefficient ranges from 0 (unrelated labeling) to 1 (high similarity among final labels). Higher alpha values indicate better agreement and consistency among annotators.

How to Set Up QA Procedures for Data Annotation

Developing a systematic quality assurance (QA) process significantly improves labeling quality. This process follows an iterative cycle and may incorporate automated tools to reduce human error.

Here’s how to set up effective QA:

Step 1: Gather Instructions

Compile all instructions for annotating the data, including requirements for ML training and example annotations to serve as benchmarks.

Step 2: Organize Training

Train all annotators involved in the project to ensure final labels meet expectations. Provide comprehensive instructions on how to label the dataset correctly.

Step 3: Launch a Pilot

Start with a small portion of the project as a pilot. Check its quality against the initial instructions. If the client approves and the data quality is high, proceed with annotating the rest of the dataset.

Additional QA techniques:

  1. Cross-Reference QA: Multiple experts perform annotations for comparison and verification, ensuring consensus, especially in subjective tasks. Useful for projects with complex data such as text and maps.

  2. Random Sampling: Randomly select and review multiple labels to ensure quality matches project requirements. It is more relevant for smaller projects and is an additional step to regular quality control checks.

  3. Divide the project into smaller milestones for large datasets and conduct quality checks after each task. This approach saves time on corrections and ensures all team members stay aligned.

Consequences of Poor Data Labeling Quality

Poor data labeling can lead to incorrectly trained models with severe consequences, especially in medicine and finance. Common issues include:

  • Biased Models: Unfair results due to training data biases, such as denying loans based on historical biases.

  • Incorrect Performance Metrics: Inaccurate labels skew performance metrics, making them misleading.

  • Inefficiency of Model Development: Models trained on poor data learn faulty patterns, requiring significant corrections.

  • Constraints of AI Adoption: Inaccurate labels cause underperformance and biased decisions, hindering AI adoption and raising privacy concerns.

How to Keep the ML Datasets Secure?

It takes an average of 50 days to discover and report a data breach, risking unauthorized access, financial losses, and reputational damage. Data privacy during labeling requires systems that prevent direct interaction with personal data.

Getting consent upfront from those who generate the raw data is essential for ethical data annotation to avoid legal headaches with private data.

What happens when data is used without consent?

Using data without consent can erode user trust, leading to reluctance to share information, which hinders AI and data-driven technology development. Data breaches can expose personal information, leading to identity theft, fraud, and physical harm.

Legal repercussions include hefty fines under strict data privacy regulations. Additionally, data misuse can perpetuate discrimination or bias, leading to unfair and unethical outcomes.

How to ask for consent from users?

Obtaining user consent for data collection and labeling is crucial for ethical and legal reasons. Here are some fundamental principles to follow:

  • Transparency: Inform users about what data is being collected, how it will be used, and who will have access to it.

  • Granularity: Provide options for users to choose the specific types of data they’re comfortable sharing.

  • Control: Allow users to withdraw their consent at any time and offer an easy way for them to access or delete their data.

  • Explicit Language: Use concise and easy-to-understand language in your consent forms, avoiding technical jargon.

  • No Dark Patterns: Ensure that user consent is truly informed and freely given:

  • No Pre-Checked Boxes: Users should actively opt-in to share their data.

  • No Forced Choices: Provide a clear “opt-out” option without forcing users to agree as a condition of service use.

  • No Confusing Language: Present consent information prominently and separately from lengthy terms and conditions.

  • No Privacy Nudges: Avoid misleading wording or pressure tactics to sway users to consent.

Data Privacy Protection Laws

Processing private data according to data laws is crucial. Over 120 countries have enacted data protection laws. Here’s a list of critical global data privacy regulations:

  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) applies to the EU and regulates how the personal data of EU residents is processed. It emphasizes transparency, individual control, and data security.

  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) applies to the US and safeguards patients' protected health information (PHI).

  • CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act): Enhances California residents' privacy rights and consumer protection.

  • ISO 27001 (International Organization for Standardization) is an international standard for information security management systems (ISMS).

When partnering with a data labeling company, establish an agreement outlining confidentiality, compliance with laws and regulations, and the deletion or return of data after processing ends.

How to Organize Data Annotation Without Data Leaks

Ensure your data labeling process adheres to regulatory standards and security requirements. Key factors include:

  • Annotators Security: Conduct background checks and have annotators sign NDAs. Managers should monitor compliance.

  • Device Control: Restrict personal devices in the workplace and disable data downloading features on work devices.

  • Workspace Security: Ensure secure workspaces where computer screens are invisible to unauthorized individuals.

  • Infrastructure: Use robust labeling tools with strong access controls and encryption.

How to Build Your Data Annotation Dream Team

A typical data annotation process performed by annotation teams

Building an in-house team benefits ML projects with sensitive or complex labeling needs but requires significant training investment. Understanding data labeling nuances, such as training for medical projects, is crucial. Specialized skills from subject-matter experts (SMEs) are often necessary.

With increasing data volumes, finding and retaining skilled annotators is challenging, and high turnover can slow progress. This section covers best practices for hiring and training data annotators to build a robust and effective data annotation team.

How to Hire Data Annotators

The repetitive nature of data labeling can lead to burnout and high turnover, disrupting project timelines and increasing training costs. Addressing these challenges with effective hiring strategies is crucial to ensure high-quality data and a resilient annotation workforce.

1. How to Write Job Descriptions for Hiring Data Annotators

Crafting a compelling job description is essential to attract qualified data annotators. Here's how to structure it:

  • Catchy Opening Sentence: Grab attention by highlighting the role’s importance and what the successful candidate will achieve.

  • Clear Responsibilities: Specify the day-to-day tasks, data types, and tools they will use.

  • Essential Skills and Experience: Tailor this section to your project’s specific needs, mentioning the required tools or software.

  • Highlight Benefits: Showcase competitive salary, growth opportunities, project variety, and a positive work environment.

Pro Tip: Develop a strong Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to attract and retain high performers by clearly conveying what makes your company unique.

Key qualities to look for:

  • Attention to detail

  • Ability to handle large data volumes

  • Willingness to work with monotonous tasks

  • Analytical mindset

2. Where to Publish Job Vacancies

To reach suitable candidates, use targeted job postings based on location and leverage an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) for international reach. Platforms like Jooble, Startup Jobs, and LinkedIn are effective.

Pro Tip: Implement a referral program to tap into your existing employees’ networks and encourage them to recommend qualified candidates.

3. How to Interview Data Annotators

Conduct a structured interview to assess candidates’ skills and fit for your ML project:

  • Introduction: Outline the interview format and allow questions.

  • Experience Discussion: Understand their work ethic and transferable skills.

  • Knowledge Assessment: Ask questions about data annotation tasks and tools.

  • Culture Fit: Discuss values and work environment.

  • Red Flags: Watch for negativity or odd questions.

  • Company Presentation: Showcase growth, projects, values, and culture.

  • Test Task: Assess their practical skills with a project-specific task.

4. How to Choose the Best Data Annotators

After interviews, evaluate candidates based on:

  • Performance on test tasks

  • Genuine interest in data annotation and AI

  • Ability to ask thoughtful questions

Use tools like Google Forms to gain insights into their work style and adaptability.

5. How to Retain Data Annotators

Retaining top talent is crucial. Strategies include:

  • Creating a positive work environment

  • Regular check-ins to discuss work and provide feedback

  • Offering clear career paths and opportunities for advancement

  • Providing flexible work arrangements for work-life balance

Pro Tip: Offer variety in data types and tasks to keep annotators engaged and mitigate burnout.

6. How to Use the Referral Program

A referral program can be a goldmine for attracting top talent. Benefits include:

  • Proven results with a significant chunk of qualified applicants

  • Quality referrals from employees familiar with the job and culture

  • Cost-effective compared to traditional recruitment methods

Structure your program with internal and external referrals and offer attractive incentives such as cash bonuses or additional paid time off.

How to Train Data Annotators

Practical data annotation requires a well-trained team. Here are the key steps:

  1. Define Your Data Annotation Process Clearly

    • Document Guidelines: Establish clear instructions for labeling conventions, training procedures, and quality control measures. Make them readily accessible and regularly updated.

    • Training Procedures: Streamline onboarding for new members and ensure existing members stay aligned. Encourage real-time questions and provide written feedback during training.

  2. Establish Effective Training Procedures

    • Clear Communication: Maintain clear and consistent guidelines to avoid confusion and ensure data quality.

    • Onboarding and Ongoing Support: Provide defined procedures for efficient training of new members and continuous reference for experienced members.

    • Consistency in Labeling: Ensure consistent application of annotation standards across the team for reliable data suitable for ML models.

  3. Additional Considerations for Building a Data Annotation Team

    Consider designing a consistent tagging ontology that accounts for edge cases and uses contrasting examples. Ensure task guidelines prioritize ergonomics and collaboration and account for language and cultural variations in tag sets and data collection.

    Create a diverse team with relevant language skills and backgrounds to reduce bias and ensure fair outcomes. Implement performance monitoring to address low performers and choose user-friendly, efficient annotation tools for better results.

About Label Your Data

If you choose to delegate data annotation, run a free data pilot with Label Your Data. Our outsourcing strategy has helped many companies scale their ML projects. Here’s why:

  • Security: We handle sensitive data, adhering to strict standards like PCI DSS Level 1, ISO 27001, GDPR, and CCPA.

  • Flexible Pricing: We offer pay per label or per annotation hour pricing options tailored to your project timeline and resource needs.

  • Tool-Agnostic: Our annotators can use any tool you prefer, including your in-house solution.

  • No Commitment: Experience our performance with a free pilot, no long-term commitment is required.

Run a free pilot!


Can data annotation be automated?

Data annotation can be automated using advanced ML algorithms and AI tools, such as active learning and LLMs. However, human oversight is crucial to ensure the accuracy and quality of annotations.

Which tool is used for data annotation?

Several sophisticated tools are used for data annotation, including:

  • Labelbox: Known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive text, image, and video annotation features.

  • CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool): An open-source tool popular for image and video annotations, offering polygon, polyline, and point annotations.

  • SuperAnnotate: Provides robust image and video annotation features, including collaboration tools and AI-assisted labeling.

  • Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth: Offers scalable and efficient data labeling with built-in ML capabilities to assist with annotations.

How many types of data annotations are there?

Data annotations can be categorized into several types, including:

  • Text Annotation: Adding metadata to text, such as named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and part-of-speech tagging.

  • Image Annotation: Labeling images with bounding boxes, polygons, keypoints, and semantic segmentation.

  • Video Annotation: Annotating video frames with object tracking, activity recognition, and event detection.

  • Audio Annotation: Transcribing speech, identifying speakers, and labeling sound events.

  • 3D Data Annotation: Labeling point clouds and 3D models, often used in autonomous driving and robotics.

What is the difference between data annotation and data tagging?

Data annotation involves adding detailed metadata to various forms of data to make it interpretable by ML models. Data tagging specifically refers to labeling data with tags to facilitate categorization and identification, often as a subset of the broader annotation process.


Table of Contents

  1. Who Is This Guide For?
  2. The State of Data Annotation in 2024: Current Challenges and Latest Trends
    1. Automated Data Annotation
    2. Synthetic Data Annotation
    3. Data Annotation in Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF)
    4. Future Predictions for the Data Annotation Industry
  3. The Main Data Annotation Types and Use Cases
    1. LLM Annotation
    2. Image Annotation
    3. Video Annotation
    4. Text Annotation
    5. Audio Annotation
    6. LiDAR Annotation
  4. How to Choose Between In-House vs. Outsourced Data Annotation
  5. How to Successfully Outsource Data Annotation Tasks
    1. When to Choose Data Annotation Outsourcing
    2. Top Data Annotation Companies in 2024
    3. How to Choose a Data Annotation Vendor
  6. How to Set Up In-House Data Annotation Workflows
    1. Where to Start with In-House Data Annotation
      1. Data Annotation in the ML Pipeline
      2. How Does Data Annotation Work
      3. 6 Steps To Overcome Data Annotation Challenge
    2. How to Build a Solid Data Annotation Strategy
      1. How to Measure the Scope of the Dataset Volume to Label
      2. Top 5 Data Annotation Tactics in Machine Learning
    3. How to Maintain High Quality of Labeled Datasets
      1. The Key Methods for Measuring Labeled Data Quality
      2. How to Set Up QA Procedures for Data Annotation
      3. Consequences of Poor Data Labeling Quality
    4. How to Keep the ML Datasets Secure?
      1. How to De-Risk Yourself from Legal Issues with Private Data
      2. Data Privacy Protection Laws
      3. How to Organize Data Annotation Without Data Leaks
    5. How to Build Your Data Annotation Dream Team
      1. How to Hire Data Annotators
      2. How to Train Data Annotators
  7. About Label Your Data
  8. FAQ

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